Like a prayer answered in 2006, after 14 years, Celtic Frost released a new album - Monotheist
To say the least ...It lives up to everything that I had hoped for....and then they went on tour.....
Track listing
"Progeny" – 5:01
"Ground" – 3:55
"A Dying God Coming into Human Flesh" – 5:39
"Drown In Ashes" – 4:23
"Os Abysmi Vel Daath" – 6:41
"Obscured" – 7:04
"Domain of Decay" – 4:38
"Ain Elohim" – 7:33
Triptych I: "Totengott" – 4:27
Triptych II: "Synagoga Satanae" – 14.24
Triptych III: "Winter (Requiem, Chapter Three: Finale)" – 4:32
Me & Pete went to this show at BB Kings in September15 2006....we were not disappointed

better the Agnostic Front??? Maniac 2001 , most excellent...yanks...mets ha,ha, fn ha, too bad for waveem home wille thought....
the mets even managed to make me feel sad for'em...kyle...
wille might even lose his job...
....the agnostic show ended well....with a knife to my throat...and then paying $25 bucks for a 12 pack of bud...yeh florida...
but what about the movie Maniac 2001, surely I didnt scoop you? best horror flick Ive seen in a long time...yanks
I have seen it......not bad......its a remake of the 60's movie......they kept it true to the original....campy and gorey....
you can never scoop muggs!
and there was never a knife in florida!
it was a pirates of the carribean plastic prop!!!
if he get fired he gets fired, afterall it is his fault!
there was a knife in the dodge Ram pick-up....it was brandished at me....
Ya I remeber that! Oh wait I wasn't there because kyle ditched me again!!!! U sic fux...
define brandished???
held to throat.....pointed at w/threats....
bran·dish (brān'dĭsh) Pronunciation Key
tr.v. bran·dished, bran·dish·ing, bran·dish·es
To wave or flourish (a weapon, for example) menacingly.
To display ostentatiously. See Synonyms at flourish.
n. A menacing or defiant wave or flourish.
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