The reverse view from where Gwyneths brother got married.

The view from where we held Gwyneths brothers wedding.

I-25 headin north to Fort Collins Colorado....I am always zonked by the big sky...

Art'ie nonsence - a dry shrub where the wedding was held...

Visiting my aunts grave.....The sky was so beautiful I had to get out my camera....More of my "Big Sky" problem

More dried shrubs at the wedding site

The Wedding Limo...forgot what year this Caddie was...

a ally way in Fort Collins....whole lota symmetry....had to take the photo..

A interesting sculpture in Fort Collins Old Town....the sun made it cool

Outside of a Perkins in Fort Collins.......

Interesting Old Town Fort Collins

The great hotel we stayed in in Fort Collins ...

Visiting my aunts grave.....More of my "Big Sky" problem

My shadow and a shrub....

The honey and I at the wedding site

Old Town Fort Collins - as you can see it got a little cold.....brrrrr

The Wedding!
Nice, but some TEXT would've been cool.
sorry Heff....I was fuckin out of it when I posted these images...I will throw some blurbs up....
Good suggestion Heff...
Heff rocks!
Red was in the dark on this post...
The Heff always has text!
Nice pics Muggs, especially the view from the nuptial site, wow!
You really have a good artistic perspective. Are you an artist? JK:)
But where's my airplane and restaurant shots?
Here is a combo chris...
we ate at a Wolfgang Puck's in DIA....
$30+ for 2 mini Pizzas and drinks
..that were ok..not bad...
...but almost immediately gave me the shits...just before getting on a airplane for 3 hours....nice
Nice, but some pics with the review text woulda been cool.
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