Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Staycation 09 Kicks Off!

Last Saturday, Gwyneth and I spent the day enjoying ourselves about town. We attended the "Sheep to Shawl" event at Philipsburg Manor....Took the mini tour of Union Church at Pocantico Hills. Lastly stoppin by Blue Hill at Stone Barns for some Fresh eggs...a wonderful day.

Trees blooming by our apartment

Philipsburg Manor

Philipsburg Manor

Sheep-to-Shawl Festival

Duck Hearding

A bed of flowers on the way to the parking lot....

....and on to Union Church of Pocantico Hills ...not 5 minutes from Philipsburg Manor ...where one rose stained glass window by Henri Matisse and nine stained glass window by Marc Chagall...happen to be....a priceless museum of glass...just around the cornor.....all thanks to the Rockefellers

Marc Chagall

Henri Matisse

Time for some fram fresh eggs from Blue Hill at Stone Barns


Heff said...

Lucky bastard ! Heff can't even afford a "Staycation" this year. I'm going to have to deal with a "Laycation" at the luxurious Couch O' Heff this summer, lol !

John Mulligan said...

....hope you as least got some air condition?

....I have been driving around my couch since Thanksgiving...apartment life compels you to "get out" after awhile...

Heff said...

Hey, I don't live in a cave. I've got A.C., lol !

RED said...

Nice farmcation!

Way to get outta the city!

We all know Heff doesn't live in a cave, he just came from one!

I had no choice. lol
