Friday, November 2, 2007

MOVIES I LOVE - Master of the Flying Guillotine (1975)

I vaguely remember seeing this movie on the Saturday afternoon "Kung-Fu Theater" on channel 5 here in NY.....but I never forgot the the Yo-Yo saw....I finally tracked down this movie on DVD....and it may be my favorite Kung-Fu movie.....It has everything you need...

A one armed hero....who can walk on the wall and ceilings
A crazy blind monk who uses a giant saw blade Yo-Yo to kill people.

A tournament...(fight to the death)...that pairs off 20 of the deadliest fighters in Asia...

Also the video game Street Fighter stole a bunch of characters from this movie...most prominently.. Dhalsim

Lastly the soundtrack makes the movie.....the Guillotine Master march music is just sick..


Anonymous said...

di daka cow vc!

John Mulligan said...


Gwyneth said...

That yo-yo saw scared the heck out of me when I saw the movie on the old Channel5 afternoon matinee. I can't remember much from that movie, but I still remember seeing the monk through the yo-yo and chopping someone's head-off. Talk about traumatizing.