Ashley Wood Blog
ThreeA Blog
Here is my photo album adventure of opening him up...
Fresh from China...

So far so good - the packaging is great...

He not secured in the box ...so hes been rattling around since China...not good..

...And of course.. the leg is detached.....ugh....I am fearing the worst......

So ...Trying not to think about returning him....(back to China!!)...ugh...I slowly take a look at whats going on...

I am relieved to see that nothing was "brokin"....it would seem that there was some extra plastic that did not get trimmed off....this prevented the screw that attaches the leg to the body to find its slot.

At work and happy...

Cool stuff.
I'm surprised the screw wasn't in metric...
Nice surgery pics, I love the reassembly...
How much? $$$
......someone had to say it..
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